The 7 Best Ways to Make Money in Tech for Beginners.

The 7 Best Ways to Make Money in Tech for Beginners.

The tech industry is booming, and with it comes a plethora of opportunities for individuals at every skill level. Whether you’re just dipping your toes into the tech waters or ready to dive deep, there are numerous paths you can take to start earning. Let’s explore seven of the best ways beginners can make money in tech.

1. Freelance Web Development

Why web development?

Web development remains one of the most accessible and in-demand fields in tech. Every business needs a website, and many individuals seek personal or portfolio sites. This high demand means there’s plenty of work to go around.

Getting Started with Freelance Platforms

To begin, sign up on popular freelance platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, or Freelancer. Create a compelling profile showcasing any relevant skills or projects. Start with small jobs to build your portfolio and gain positive reviews, gradually increasing your rates as you become more experienced.

Essential Skills to Learn

You’ll need to master HTML, CSS, and JavaScript at a minimum. Familiarize yourself with frameworks like React or Angular for front-end development, and Node.js or Django for back-end development. Numerous free and paid resources online can help you acquire these skills.

2. Coding Bootcamps

What is a Coding Bootcamp?

Coding boot camps are intensive, short-term training programs designed to equip you with the skills needed to land a job in tech. They often focus on practical skills and real-world projects, making them an excellent choice for beginners.

Benefits of Coding Bootcamps

The primary advantage of coding bootcamps is their speed; most programs last only a few months. They offer hands-on experience, mentorship, and job placement assistance. Many boot camps also have payment plans or income-sharing agreements, so you only pay once you get a job.

Finding the Right Bootcamp

Look for boot camps with good reviews, high job placement rates, and courses that match your career interests. Some well-known options include General Assembly, Flatiron School, and Le Wagon.

3. Tech Support Specialist

Role of a Tech Support Specialist

Tech support specialists help users troubleshoot software and hardware issues. This role is perfect for those who enjoy problem-solving and assisting others.

Necessary Certifications

While not always required, certifications like CompTIA A+ or Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA) can boost your resume and increase your chances of getting hired. These certifications prove your knowledge and commitment to the field.

How to Apply for Tech Support Jobs

Search for entry-level tech support positions on job boards like Indeed or Glassdoor. Highlight any customer service experience and your technical skills in your resume and cover letter. Practice common interview questions related to troubleshooting and customer interactions.

4. Online Tutoring and Courses

Platforms to Teach Tech Skills

If you have expertise in a particular tech area, consider teaching others. Platforms like Udemy, Coursera, and Skillshare allow you to create and sell your courses. Alternatively, offer one-on-one tutoring sessions on platforms like Chegg Tutors or Wyzant.

Creating Your Own Courses

Identify a niche or a specific skill that you excel in. Plan your course content, create engaging video lessons, and supplement them with quizzes and assignments. High-quality production and clear, concise teaching will help you stand out.

Marketing Your Tech Courses

Promote your courses through social media, blogs, and tech forums. Offer free previews or discounted rates to attract initial students and gather reviews. Consistent updates and interaction with your students will help build a loyal following.

The 7 Best Ways to Make Money in Tech for Beginners.
The 7 Best Ways to Make Money in Tech for Beginners.

5. Blogging and Content Creation

Starting a Tech Blog

Starting a tech blog is a great way to share your knowledge and earn money through ads, sponsored posts, and affiliate marketing. Choose a specific tech niche you’re passionate about, like coding tutorials, tech news, or gadget reviews.

Monetizing Your Content

Use platforms like Google AdSense for ad revenue. Join affiliate programs from companies like Amazon or tech product manufacturers to earn commissions. Offer sponsored posts or create premium content for paying subscribers.

Building an Audience

Consistency is key. Post regularly and engage with your readers through comments and social media. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is crucial for attracting organic traffic; use keywords effectively, write informative content, and ensure your site is user-friendly.

6. App Development

Learning App Development

App development can be a lucrative field. Start by learning programming languages like Swift for iOS or Java for Android. Online resources, coding boot camps, and university courses can provide the necessary training.

Platforms for Selling Apps

Once you’ve created an app, you can sell it on platforms like the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. In-app purchases and ads can also generate revenue. Alternatively, consider freelance app development or joining a startup.

Success Stories and Case Studies

Look at successful apps to understand what works. Analyze their design, functionality, and marketing strategies. Learning from the successes and failures of others can provide valuable insights for your own projects.

7. Affiliate Marketing in Tech

Understanding Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing involves promoting tech products or services and earning a commission for each sale made through your referral. This method can be highly profitable if done correctly.

Best Affiliate Programs Make money for Tech

Join affiliate programs from companies like Amazon, and Best Buy, or tech-focused companies like Bluehost. These programs offer a wide range of tech products and services to promote.

Strategies for Maximizing Earnings

Create content that naturally integrates affiliate links, such as product reviews, how-to guides, or best-of lists. Use SEO strategies to drive traffic to your content. Building trust with your audience is crucial; only promote products you believe in and that are relevant to your audience.

Starting a career in tech can be incredibly rewarding, both financially and personally. Whether you choose web development, coding boot camps, tech support, online tutoring, blogging, app development, or affiliate marketing, there’s a path for you. Begin by assessing your interests and skills, then take the first step. Remember, every expert was once a beginner. The tech industry is vast and full of opportunities waiting for you to seize.


How long does it take to start earning money in tech?

The timeline varies depending on the path you choose. Freelancing or tech support roles can yield quick results, while learning web development or app development might take a few months to a year.

What tech skills are in the highest demand?

Skills like web development, data analysis, cybersecurity, and machine learning are highly sought after. Additionally, proficiency in languages like Python, JavaScript, and SQL is valuable.

Can I make money in tech without a degree?

Absolutely. Many tech roles value skills and experience over formal education. Self-taught developers, coding boot camp graduates, and certification holders often secure high-paying jobs.

What is the best tech job for someone with no experience?

Tech support specialist roles are great for beginners as they often require minimal experience and offer a good entry point into the tech industry.

How do I choose the best method to make money in tech?

Consider your interests, strengths, and the time you’re willing to invest. Research each method, perhaps trying out a couple before committing fully to one. The best path is one that aligns with your passion and goals.

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