How to use the Google Ads search terms report.

How to use the Google Ads search terms report.

In the realm of digital advertising, understanding how potential customers interact with your ads is crucial. One powerful tool at your disposal is the Google Ads Search Terms Report. This report provides insights into the actual search queries that triggered your ads, offering a window into the minds of your audience. But why is this important, and how can you leverage it for better campaign performance? Let’s dive in.

The Ultimate Guide to Google Ads Search Terms Report

Important Outline here…

  1. Understanding the Basics
  • Difference Between Search Terms and Keywords
  • How Google Ads Matches Search Terms to Keywords
  1. Accessing the Search Terms Report
  • Step-by-Step Guide to Finding the Report
  • Navigating the Interface
  1. Key Metrics in the Search Terms Report
  • Clicks
  • Impressions
  • CTR (Click-Through Rate)
  • Conversion Rate
  • Cost Per Click (CPC)
  • Search Term Match Type
  1. Analyzing the Data
  • Identifying High-Performing Search Terms
  • Spotting Low-Performing Search Terms
  • Trends and Patterns to Look For
  1. Optimizing Your Campaigns
  • Adding Negative Keywords
  • Expanding Your Keyword List
  • Adjusting Bids Based on Performance
  1. Case Study: Real-World Application
  • Example Scenario
  • Steps Taken
  • Results Achieved
  1. Common Pitfalls to Avoid
  • Ignoring the Report
  • Misinterpreting Data
  • Overreacting to Single Data Points
  1. Advanced Tips and Tricks
  • Using Filters for Better Insights
  • Customizing Columns
  • Automating Search Term Management
  1. Integrating Search Terms with Other Reports
    • Combining with the Keyword Report
    • Using Insights from the Auction Insights Report
    • Leveraging Data from the Ad Performance Report
  2. Tools and Resources
    • Google Ads Editor
    • Third-Party Tools
    • Educational Resources and Forums
  3. Staying Updated
    • Recent Changes to Google Ads Search Terms Report
    • Best Practices for Keeping Up with Updates
How to use the Google Ads search terms report.
Credit By Google

The Ultimate Guide to Google Ads Search Terms Report

Understanding the Basics

Before we delve into the nitty-gritty, it’s essential to distinguish between search terms and keywords.

Difference Between Search Terms and Keywords

  • Keywords are the phrases you bid on in Google Ads. They represent the terms you think your potential customers will use to find your products or services.
  • Search terms, on the other hand, are the actual queries that users type into Google that trigger your ads.

Understanding this difference is vital because while you may bid on a specific keyword, the actual search terms can vary greatly.

How Google Ads Matches Search Terms to Keywords

Google uses various match types (broad match, phrase match, exact match, and negative match) to determine how closely a search term must relate to your keyword for your ad to appear. This matching process influences the relevance and performance of your ads.

Accessing the Search Terms Report

Step-by-Step Guide to Finding the Report

  1. Log into Google Ads: Open your Google Ads account.
  2. Navigate to Campaigns: Select the campaign you want to analyze.
  3. Click on Keywords: In the left-hand menu, click on “Keywords.”
  4. Select Search Terms: From the dropdown, choose “Search terms.”

Navigating the Interface

Once you’re in the Search Terms tab, you’ll see a table with various columns. Each column provides different metrics about the search terms that triggered your ads.

How to use the Google Ads search terms report.
Credit by Google

Key Metrics in the Search Terms Report

Understanding the metrics in the Search Terms Report is crucial for making informed decisions.


Indicates how many times your ads were clicked after being triggered by specific search terms.


Shows how many times your ads were displayed for the search terms.

CTR (Click-Through Rate)

This metric, calculated as clicks divided by impressions, shows the effectiveness of your ad copy in attracting clicks.

Conversion Rate

Measures the percentage of clicks that resulted in a conversion, helping you gauge the quality of traffic from specific search terms.

Cost Per Click (CPC)

The average amount you’re paying for each click, providing insight into the cost-effectiveness of your keywords.

Search Term Match Type

Indicates how closely the search term matched your keyword (broad, phrase, exact, or negative match).

Analyzing the Data

Once you understand the metrics, the next step is to analyze the data to optimize your campaigns.

Identifying High-Performing Search Terms

Look for search terms with high CTR and conversion rates. These terms are valuable as they drive significant traffic and conversions.

Spotting Low-Performing Search Terms

Identify terms with low CTR and high CPC but few conversions. These terms may be draining your budget without delivering results.

Trends and Patterns to Look For

Regularly reviewing the report helps you spot trends, such as seasonal variations or shifts in consumer behavior, allowing you to adjust your strategies accordingly.

Optimizing Your Campaigns

How to use the Google Ads search terms report.
Credit By Google

Adding Negative Keywords

If certain search terms are triggering your ads but not converting, consider adding them as negative keywords to prevent your ads from showing for those terms.

Expanding Your Keyword List

Use high-performing search terms to expand your keyword list. Adding similar or related keywords can help you capture more relevant traffic.

Adjusting Bids Based on Performance

Increase bids for high-performing keywords to maximize visibility and lower bids for low-performing ones to improve cost efficiency.

Case Study: Real-World Application

Example Scenario

A local bakery uses Google Ads to promote its new line of gluten-free products.

Steps Taken

  • Initial Setup: The bakery initially bids on broad keywords like “gluten-free bakery.”
  • Reviewing the Report: They find that specific terms like “gluten-free bread near me” perform exceptionally well.
  • Optimization: They add “gluten-free bread near me” as a keyword and adjust their ad copy to highlight their proximity and product variety.

Results Achieved

By focusing on high-performing search terms, the bakery sees a 30% increase in-store visits and a 20% reduction in ad spend.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

How to use the Google Ads search terms report.
Credit By Google

Ignoring the Report

Many advertisers neglect the Search Terms Report, missing out on valuable insights that could enhance their campaigns.

Misinterpreting Data

Avoid jumping to conclusions based on limited data. Look for consistent patterns before making significant changes.

Overreacting to Single Data Points

One-off results can be misleading. Always consider the bigger picture and long-term trends.

Advanced Tips and Tricks

Using Filters for Better Insights

Apply filters to your Search Terms Report to focus on specific metrics, such as high-converting terms or those with high CPC.

Customizing Columns

Customize the columns in your report to display the metrics most relevant to your goals, streamlining your analysis process.

Automating Search Term Management

Use automated rules to manage search terms, such as automatically adding negative keywords for terms with high spend but no conversions.

Integrating Search Terms with Other Reports

Combining with the Keyword Report

Cross-reference search terms with the Keyword Report to see which keywords are driving the most valuable traffic.

Using Insights from the Auction Insights Report

Compare your performance with competitors to identify opportunities for improvement or areas where you’re losing ground.

Leveraging Data from the Ad Performance Report

Analyze how different search terms impact the performance of your ads, and adjust your ad copy or targeting accordingly.

Tools and Resources

How to use the Google Ads search terms report.
Credit by Google

Google Ads Editor

A powerful tool for managing and editing your campaigns offline, allowing for bulk changes and detailed analysis.

Third-Party Tools

Tools like SEMrush, Ahrefs, and SpyFu offer additional insights and competitive analysis to enhance your search term strategy.

Educational Resources and Forums

Platforms like Google Ads Help Center, PPC Hero, and forums such as Reddit’s r/PPC can provide valuable tips and community support.

Staying Updated

Recent Changes to Google Ads Search Terms Report

Google frequently updates its ad platform. Staying informed about changes ensures you’re always using the latest features and best practices.

Best Practices for Keeping Up with Updates

Regularly review Google’s official announcements, subscribe to industry blogs, and participate in webinars and training sessions.

The Google Ads Search Terms Report is an indispensable tool for optimizing your PPC campaigns. By regularly reviewing and acting on the insights from this report, you can improve your ad relevance, reduce costs, and ultimately achieve better results. Remember, the key to success lies in understanding your audience’s behavior and continuously refining your strategy based.

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